Sunday 30 December 2012

Time to teach them....SEX!

Waking up in your own house, in your own room is always a special feeling. And to add some more fragrance to this special feeling of mine I wanted to rejoice my old childhood memories. So I did not tune into the 8o'clock bulletin, neither had a cup of tea nor did I check my facebook account because during my school days my Saturdays did not constitute of these silly things, but  started with the taste of hot 'Jalebies' at one of my friend's hotel.

Walking through that old street was not the same experience as it used to be 3 years ago. Things had changed. Many new and luxury hotels and restaurant had come up. The street which used to be deserted at this time of the season especially at 8 in the morning with  temperature dropping below 5 degree, were full young boys and girls. I tried to ignore all these changes because I knew that no matter what the taste of those jalebies would not have changed. I saw my friend sitting like a sethji on the counter, I greeted him sat next to him and without wasting any moment he ordered the dish I had come to eat.

A young boy entered the hotel. He gave a 500 rupee note to my friend. In return my friend gave him the keys of a room and said "2nd floor first room on the left". He took the keys called the waiter and gave him a 100 rupee note and came and sat beside me. I had never seen anyone giving a tip before eating anything. But the waiter knew his duty; he straight away went to the medical shop just in front of the hotel which had more advertisements of condoms than medicines. I could very well understand what was happening around me. The boy took his mobile and started watching something. He offered the same to me saying" Sunny Leone brand new". I ignored his talk and switched on the television. Meanwhile the waiter came with black polythene, handed it to the boy and the boy went away to his room.

On the television was a journalist giving the expected but unacceptable news "Delhi gang rape victim dead". I could feel the terror in my nerves but was in no mood to hear or talk about this unfortunate incident. I changed to a movie channel; an old movie was on roll. An actress wrapped in a white Saree was standing under a waterfall revealing her bare naked breast. I again pressed the button of the remote; a girl running on the road sported on the front part of her T-shirt 'Good girls go to heaven' and at her back was written 'Bad girls go everywhere'. And as expected in the very next scene she appeared half naked advertising a condom. Before I could turn to another channel a female voice interrupted me" Excuse me. Which way is room no. 25?” Expecting it to be a sex worker called by that boy I looked up. There was nothing similar between the erotic girls on the television and the girl in front of me. Her hands holding two books covered her breasts. Beneath the books was a properly ironed white shirt. On the left of the shirt were small pores that may have been caused by safety pins or may be a school badge! Alarmed with this feeling I looked at her face, beautiful and innocent indeed! She was certainly not more than 15 or 16 years old dressed in a school uniform. She might have come from her house with an excuse of an extra class or maybe she actually had to attend one. But what was she doing here, why did she want to go to room no. 25? She was certainly not one of those bad girls who could go everywhere. My friend showed her the way. I looked at him, he told, “she is his girlfriend both of them are from the same school."

Jalebies had arrived by now. But for the first time in so many years the jalebies of 'bhola chacha' tasted sour to me. Was the boy going to act the same way to that innocent girl as the boy in that sex clip? Would he molest the girl like the one who died today? But whatever was happening inside room no. 25 had the girl’s permission. But who gave her the right to take such decisions at this young age? Was she aware of the consequences she might face? Or she had acted according to the boy because this is what the girls of small towns are taught- A boy is always right. Was the boy using her innocence for his lust? Should I complain about this to the police? But how could they be unaware of these activities, the police chowki was merely 20 meters away! Fifteen minutes had passed but I had had only one bite of the jalebie. I was gathering courage to go against my friendship and complaining about these things in the police when I saw that girl coming out in a hurry, maybe she was getting late for her extra class. I had almost decided to lodge a complaint when a policeman came into the hotel; he shook hands with my friend, took 200 rupees and went away happily.

I left the jalabies half eaten, stood up, not even felt like bidding goodbye to my old friend and walked away. He shouted," Abe jalebi to khata ja!" I turned my deaf ear towards him and walked back through the unfamiliar street.

A girl was raped, she died, 6 rapists have been arrested, protests are on full swing, everyone is asking for justice, for capital punishment, but would these punishments serve the cause? With the girls and boys attaining puberty at the age of 10 -12 who would teach them what is right and what is not? There have been cases when the girls have been raped by their relatives and they were not even aware that something wrong was happening with them .Sex education has been added in the syllabus but is the purpose being served? Are the teachers trained enough to take up such issues with young school children? Is the police trained enough to tackle such sensitive issues? Do the filmmakers and advertisers understand how these sexual components are affecting the young chaps?

Yes the anger of the people is justified, yes stronger laws need to be implemented but what is most important is to teach them, the girls, the boys, the police, the filmmakers, the parents and every individual. Its time to teach them....SEX.

Today the boy had money with him. A girl was there to fulfill his lust but what would happen when he would neither have money nor a girl, then how will he fulfill his lust????
I could see in his eyes a budding rapist. GOD save the girls from him!

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