Tuesday 22 January 2013

A letter to a 'Yuvraj' in a 'Democracy'

Mr. Rahul Gandhi
Vice President
Indian National Congress.

My heartiest congratulation to you for a yet another monarchic decision taken by your party and your Family.I am not writing this letter for congratulating you on your new achievement of becoming the no.2 in the congress party (As if you were not the no.2 before this announcement) but rather I got influenced by your emotional speech that made many on the stage and in the auditorium cry(the crocodile tears of the politicians you know).

Starting with what you said about your mother:"My mother cried because she knows that power is poison". I would suggest Mr. Gandhi that you don't need to take this poison(certainly not for the sake of this country as you described in your speech) because we don't want you die out of poison, there are other people who are much more qualified and at the same time eager to take this power and use it as an antidote for poison .And when you call a power in democracy a poison it actually shows your understanding about democratic powers.

You also spoke about the sad demise of your grandmother. I can understand the feeling of loosing a grand mother sir, but just to remind you if you have forgotten (which i'm sure you haven't) that the huge massacre that followed after that killed many other grand mothers,mothers,sisters and fathers but unfortunately those who lost their loved ones do not have the means to cry in public(or rather they have not learned to play politics on the death of their near ones).

You also called your father a strong person because he was on the television addressing the country the day his mother died. Have you ever wondered how strong those fathers are who see their children and mothers die everyday in poverty(at least your strong father did not think about them while negotiating for bofors).

I am amazed why you said that you don't know how the congress party runs, you don't seem to be so innocent that you don't understand that it runs on family politics(your swearing in as the VP is the perfect example of this.)

So, Mr Gandhi you may earn loads of applause,media coverage and some tears for your speech,but the ground reality is that these speeches do not earn votes any more(I am amazed that even after the tragic UP election you have failed to understand this).

Take this as an advice of a common man of this country.(because ultimately it this common man that would decide your fate)

A voter

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