Thursday 27 December 2012

Protest-Open Indian Style!

Democracy and protests have always walked hand in hand. Somewhere protests have led to the establishment of democracy then at other places it has helped in strengthening a democracy. The definition of protest varies from place to place across the world but a peculiar pattern of protests has developed in our country in the last 2 years or so and I term it as 'Weekend Protest'.

The scenario of protest was built in this country by Mr. Anna Hazare when he started demanding for a strong Lokpal Bill. Yes the turnout of crowd at that time was unexpectedly huge, and why not something new was happening in our country and everyone wanted to become a part of this historic event. But this historic event somehow got converted in a day to day event or rather a weekend event! Dharnas, Anshans and protests started being organized throughout the country. But one thing was common in all these events-'Saturdays and Sundays'. Almost all such events including the next anshans of Mr. Hazare were organized from Thursdays or Fridays so that they can become successful with people pouring in on their weekend holidays. Something similar was observed in the recent protest against the Delhi rape case. The agitation started on Friday, gained pace on Saturday and reached to its peak on Sunday and as expected the crowed stringent on Monday and the battleground on India gate again became a hub for tourists on Tuesday!

I am writing such a thing because I sometimes get confused that if these protests are actually protests that can bring any sort of revolution or they are just a medium of showing anger of people who actually are not willing to walk an extra mile for bringing concrete changes. Neither the lokpal bill has been passed, nor have the rapes stopped nor has a strong step been taken for the safety of a common girl of this country. Then why is there hardly any protest at India Gate today? Because these protesters cannot compromise with their jobs, businesses and money for the sake of this country. They only raise their voices on weekends or holidays when they are free. Moreover nobody sacrificed the Christmas party for the demand of justice for that girl fighting for her life. People were seen celebrating, shouting, dancing and singing on the same streets where they were protesting 24 hours ago!

I wonder if Gandhi would have revolted against the British Raj only on weekends or holidays or when he had no case to fight, what would have been the scenario of this country? Or if all the freedom fighters would have kept their jobs and comforts and celebrations as their first priority, who would have fought the battle of independence, because it was certainly not fought only on weekends and holidays.

I doubt if such a fragmented style of revolt would lead to any change what so ever in this country. But who am I predict this,may be the next weekend brings some changes.....Oh! SORRY! Next weekend would be the last weekend of this year. It would be the time for the New Year bash!

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